
cupage stores its configuration in ~/.cupage.conf by default, although you can specify a different location with the cupage list -f command line option.

The configuration file is a INI format file, with a section for each site definition. The section header is the site’s name which will be displayed in the update output, or used to select individual sites to check on the command line. Each section consists of a section of name=value option pairs.

An example configuration file is below:

site = pypi
match_type = tar
site = google code
match_type = zip
url =
select = pre > a
match_type = tar
frequency = 6m
url =
select = pre > a
match_type = tar
site = vim-script
script = 1871
site = github
user = JNRowe
frequency = 1m

Site definitions can either be specified entirely manually, or possibly with the built-in site matchers(see site option for available options).

frequency option

The frequency option allows you to set a minimum time between checks for specific sites within the configuration file.

The format is <value> <units> where value can be a integer or float, and units must be one of the entries from the table below:

Unit Purpose
h Hours
d Days
w Week
m Month, which is defined as 28 days
y Year, which is defined as 13 m units

match option

If match_type is re then match must be a valid regular expression that will be used to match within the selected elements. For most common uses a prebuilt match_type already exists(see match_type option), and re should really only be used as a last resort.

The Python re module is used, and any functionality allowed by the module is available in the match option(with the notable exception of the verbose syntax).

match_type option

The match_type value, if used, must be one of the following:

Match type Purpose
gem to match rubygems_ archives.
re to define custom regular expressions
tar to match gzip/bzip2/xz compressed tar archives(default)
zip to match zip archives

The match_type values simply select a predefined regular expression to use. The base match is <name>-[\d\.]+([_-](pre|rc)[\d]+)?\.<type>, where <name> is the section name and <type> is the value of match_type for this section.

select option

The select option, if used, must be a valid CSS or XPath selector depending on the value of selector (see selector option) . Unless specified CSS Cascading Style Sheets) is the default selector type.

selector option

The selector option, if used, must be one of the following:

Selector Purpose
css To select elements within the page using CSS selectors (default)
xpath To select elements within the page using XPath selectors

site option

The site option, if used, must be one of the following, hopefully self-explanatory values:

Site Added Required options
cpan v0.4.0  
debian v0.3.0  
failpad v0.5.0  
github v0.3.1 user (GitHub user name)
google code v0.1.0  
hackage v0.1.0  
pypi v0.1.0  
vim-script v0.3.0 script (script id on the vim website)

site options are simply shortcuts that are provided to reduce duplication in the configuration file. They define the values necessary to check for updates on the given site.

url option

The url value is the location of the page to be checked for updates. If used, it must be a valid FTP/HTTP/HTTPS address.