
The cupage is run from the command prompt, and displays updates on stdout.



show program’s version number and exit


show this help message and exit

-v, --verbose

produce verbose output

-q, --quiet

output only matches and errors


add - add definition to config file

-f <file>, --config <file>

configuration file to read

-s <site>, --site <site>

site helper to use

-u <url>, --url <url>

site url to check

-t <type>, --match-type <type>

pre-defined regular expression to use

-m <regex>, --match <regex>

regular expression to use with –match-type=re

-q <frequency>, --frequency <frequency>

update check frequency

-x <selector>, --select <selector>

content selector

--selector <type>

selector method to use

check - check sites for updates

-f <file>, --config <file>

configuration file to read

-d <file>, --database <file>

database to store page data to. Default based on --config value, for example --config my_conf will result in a default setting of --database my_conf.db.

See Database for details of the database format.

-c <dir>, --cache <dir>

directory to store page cache

This can, and in fact should be, shared between all cupage uses.


don’t update cache or database


ignore frequency checks

-t <n>, --timeout=<n>

timeout for network operations

list - list definitions from config file

-f <file>, --config <file>

configuration file to read

-m <regex>, --match <regex>

match sites using regular expression

list-sites - list supported site values

remove - remove site from config

-f <file>, --config <file>

configuration file to read