Command line


The documentation in this section is aimed at people wishing to contribute to cupage, and can be skipped if you are simply using the tool from the command line.

cupage.cmdline.USAGE = '%(prog)s checks web pages and displays changes from the last run that match\na given criteria. Its original purpose was to check web pages for new software\nreleases, but it is easily configurable and can be used for other purposes.'

Command line help string, for use with argparse


Main script handler.

cupage.cmdline.add(verbose, config, site, url, match_type, match, frequency, select, selector, name)[source]
cupage.cmdline.check(verbose, config, database, cache, no_write, force, timeout, pages)[source]
cupage.cmdline.list_conf(verbose, config, database, match, pages)[source]
cupage.cmdline.remove(verbose, config, pages)[source]


Parse command line options

>>> options, args = process_command_line()